***** VG-Windows Client V2.6.7 Installation Notes ***** *** New features in V2.6.7 Vgcsbcom32.exe FTP can be used to submit an ADS compilation job. Vgcscli32.dll SetupServer “TcpIpMaxWaitTime” API to set the maximum wait time. SetupServer “Align” corrections. Vgcsdcl32.exe Slack bytes in VB Type to align variables to a proper boundary. Vgcsidd32.exe Refresh status message. Vgcsetup32.exe FTP definitions for vgcsbcom32.exe. Vgcsetup.hlp FTP definitions for vgcsbcom32.exe. See READODBC.TXT for the ODBC driver features. *** NOTE for Windows NT 4 Terminal Server users Do not directly run setup.exe. Use Control Panel Add/Remove Programs Install button. To have global initial settings for all users, run the Windows Client Setup before finishing installation. To change global settings for (all) users, you may run the following commands: (1) delete VGCS.INI in (all) user profiles (cd %SystemRoot%\Profiles; del /s vgcs.ini) (2) change user /install (3) make changes in %SystemRoot%\vgcs.ini (4) change user /execute The next time a user logs in, new Windows Client settings will be used. *** New features in V2.6.6 Visual Basic 6 run-time will be installed, if necessary. IDMS Log Viewer (in the Windows Client main menu) can be used the browse the CA-IDMS log records. *** Fixed bugs in V2.6.3 Vgcsmenu32.exe Help version errror is corrected. Vgcsdecl32.exe COMP-3 array conversion error in is corrected. Vgcstcp32.dll New password not converted to EBCDIC is corrected. *** Fixed bugs in V2.6.2 This build now contains the required Visual Basic 6 runtime system. Vgcsdcl32.exe Correct declarations for COMP-3 and DISPLAY fields are generated. Vgcsetup.hlp Help text corrections. Vgcstcp32.dll The proper error message is generated if the actual length execeeds the maxlen argument in the GetServer function. *** Installation requirements The following operation systems are supported: * Windows NT 3.51 or later on INTEL platforms * Windows NT 4 Terminal Server Edition on INTEL platforms * Windows 9x * Windows 2000 *** TCP/IP considerations * Install VG-Application Server on the mainframe * Verify that Windows sockets is correctly installed * Install VG-Windows Client * Run VG-Windows Client Setup from the Main menu and verify that there are no TCP/IP port conflicts * Run VG-Windows Test Tool *** Sna considerations * Install VG-Application Server on the mainframe * Install Microsoft SNA Server 2.11 or later on Windows NT 3.51 or later on INTEL platform * Setup Sna Server APPC LUs interconnected by a APPC MODE * Install Microsoft SNA Server Client (Win9x or NT) * Install VG-Windows Client * Run VG-Windows Client Setup from the Main menu * Run VG-Windows Test Tool In Windows NT, the Setup adds the TPSTART.EXE to startup group. This is needed for the message agent to be properly started. *** Known issues in V2.6.6 The VG-Windows Client message agent cannot correctly route APPC error messages to a specific workstation if there are multiple workstations with VG-Windows Client installed. Work-around: Install the VG-Windows Client also in the NT Server where the Sna Server is installed. All fatal APPC messages are logged/shown on the Server. The log file is defined in the Communications Setup screen. To disable message boxes uncheck the "Server Message Box" check box. *** Definitions for APPC communication See the following documentation: Microsoft Sna Server Administration guide * Fundamental Terms for TPs and LUs * Working with Settings in VTAM and NCP * NCP Parameters: Recommendations for Independent APPC *** CA-IDMS System Generation * Appendix D. SNA and LU 6.2 Considerations The following text is quoted from Microsoft Sna Server documentation: >>>APPC generally uses a local LU and one or more remote LUs. A local APPC LU can be independent or dependent. An independent local APPC LU can communicate directly with a peer system. Independent LUs can support multiple parallel sessions. With independent LUs, there are some special requirements: If the independent local APPC LU communicates with a TP on a host (which is possible), the host system must be using VTAM version 3, release 2, or later with either NCP version 5, release 2, or later (3745 systems), or NCP version 4, release 3, or later (3725 systems). For independent LUs that communicate with a host, the LOCADDR parameter should be set to 0 in VTAM or in the NCP Gen. For information about VTAM, NCP, and CICS parameters for independent LUs, see Chapter 5, Working with Settings in VTAM and NCP. On connections used for independent APPC, the XID Type must be Format 3. A dependent local APPC LU requires the support of a host configuration in order to communicate with a remote TP. Dependent local LUs have the following characteristics: They allow only a single session per LU. They use a connection configured with a Remote End of Host, not Peer. They are the only kind of APPC LUs that SNA Server supports when communicating with a host using a version of VTAM earlier than version 3, release 2. They require the host VTAM to use a value of 1 or greater in the LOCADDR parameter in the NCP Gen. <<< Notes: 1 See the topic "Multiple session support" in CA-IDMS System Generation, Appendix D. 2 Multiple parallel sessions is the recommended setup for VG-NT/ODBC Server. *** Sna Server example of a remote LU for parallel sessions Keyword Value Comment LU Alias CVX a unique alias name of the CA-IDMS/DC System Network name FIP1N001 the NETID parameter in VTAM start LU Name IDMSSNAX the ACBNAME of CA-IDMS/DC in VTAM Uninterpreted LU Name IDMSSNAX this is required only for dependent LUs Supports Parallel Sessions checked Enable Automatic Partnering unchecked Implicit Incoming Mode none *** Sna Server example of a local independent LU Keyword Value Comment LU 6.2 Type Independent LU Alias TPLU1 a unique alias name for this local LU Network Name FIP1N001 the NETID parameter in VTAM start LU Name LW000524 the LU Name defined in the CA-IDMS/DC Sysgen LU Number 0 this is set by Sna Server and cannot be changed Enable Automatic Partnering unchecked Member of Default Outgoind Local APPC LU Pool unchecked Implicit Incoming Remote LU none Timeout for Starting Invokable TPs 60 *** Sna Server example of an APPC mode for parallel sessions Keyword Value Comment Mode Name APPC01 the VTAM LOGMODE value Parallel Session Limit n n = # of LUs defined in CA-IDMS/DC Sysgen Minimum Contention Winner Limit 1 Partner Min Contention Winner Limit n - 1 Automatic Activation Limit 0 Enable Automatic Partnering unchecked High Priority Mode unchecked Pacing Send Count 3 check the values against VTAM/NCP Max Send RU Size 1024 check the values against VTAM/NCP Pacing Receive Count 3 check the values against VTAM/NCP Max Receive RU Size 1024 check the values against VTAM/NCP Partner LU CV0 the remote LU alias above *** Installed directories and files Installation root directory Uninst.isu the InstallShield uninstall script. DO NOT REMOVE OR MODIFY! README.TXT this file READODBC.TXT ODBC features SYSTEM system files directory VGCLIENT.DLL ODBC driver Windows Client Interface VGCSBCOM32.EXE CA-ADS Batch Compiler/Generator interface VGCSBGEN32.EXE CA-ADS Compiler/Generator interface VGCSBGEN.HLP CA-ADS Compiler/Generator interface help VGCSCLI32.DLL Client DLL VGCSDCL32.EXE CA-IDD record conversion VGCSDCL.HLP CA-IDD record conversion help VGCSERRS.HLP Error codes help VGCSETUP32.EXE VG-Windows Client Setup VGCSETUP.HLP VG-Windows Client Setup help VGCSEX0332.EXE Sample program VGCSIDD32.EXE CA-IDD interface VGCSIDD.HLP CA-IDD interface help VGCSLOGV32.EXE CA-IDMS Low viewer VGCSMENU32.EXE VG-Windows Client Menu help VGCSMENU.HLP VG-Windows Client Menu help VGCSMSS32.DLL APPC DLL for Sna Server VGCSTCP32.DLL TCP/IP DLL VGCSMSSM32.EXE Message agent for Sna VGCSTCPM32.EXE Message agent for TCP/IP VGCSTPST32.EXE TP name definition tool VGCSTST132.EXE Test tool VGCSTST1.HLP Test tool help VGODBC32.DLL ODBC driver DLL SDK\C header files, library definitions for 32bit C/C++ VGCSCTL.H VGCSDLLS.H VGCSERRMH.H VGCSCLI32.LIB SDK\Vb declaration files for 32bit Visual Basic 4.0 VGCSDECL.BAS VGCSPROC.BAS SDK\Vb\Samples sample(s) for 32bit Visual Basic 4.0 VGCSEX03.BAS VGCSEX03.FRX VGCSEX03.FRM VGCSEX03.VBP LOGFILES Default directory for log files IDDSRC Default working directory for tools