VEGA eXtensions


Two-Phase Commit between DB2, WebSphere MQ  and CA-IDMS

If one task updates data in multiple data sources, then a possibility of inconsistent updates emerges.

Since CA implemeted Two-Phase Commit in Advantage (TM) CA-IDMS (R) Release 16.0 we have utilised it to implement Two-Phase Commit for CA-IDMS, VG-IDMS/DB2 and VG-IDMS Gateway MQseries Option.  

The basic requirements for VEGAX Two-Phase Commit are:

bullet CA-IDMS Release 16.0,
bullet IBM Resource Recovery System (RRS),
bullet RRS-cabable release of DB2 and/or WebSphere MQ (MQseries),
bullet OS/390 2.10 or z/OS and
bullet VEGA V2R7.2


Installation requirements 

In order to enable VEGAX Two-Phase Commit after it is installed:

bullet RRS support must be enabled within CA-IDMS.
bullet RRS enabled VEGA subtask drivers must be installed.
bullet VEGAX Two-Phase Commit product must be enabled.

Programming requirements

After VEGAX Two-Phase Commit is installed and enabled most of the existing appliactions work unchanged. 

In order to perform Two-Phase Commit CA-IDMS DML COMMIT TASK or FINISH TASK must be used. 

VEGAX Two-Phase Commit supports both DC-COBOL and CA-ADS applications.

VG-ADS Precompiler DB2 Option is supported too. 



VEGAX Two-Phase Commit guarantees that either all or none of CA-IDMS, DB2 and WebSphere MQ are updated.



The Beta version VEGAX Two-Phase Commit  is available in August 2004 .